Health Pack Deals

What’s Worse Than Bedbugs? Their Poo

By Dr. Mercola Bedbugs are parasitic insects that feed exclusively on blood, and prefer human blood. About the...

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Ultra-Processed and Plastic-Contaminated Food Wreak Havoc on Health

By Dr. Mercola The dangers of excess sugar consumption have been well-established and were officially recognized...

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Teflon — The Devil We Know

By Dr. Mercola While C8 was not in existence a century ago, it is now found in over 99 percent of American blood...

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Restoring Coral Reefs Is Possible and Surprisingly Fast

By Dr. Mercola Coral reefs make up less than one-quarter of 1 percent of the Earth’s surface,1 yet supply...

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Lobbying Group for Processed Food Industry Teeters on Brink of Extinction — Will Its Science Propaganda Arm Follow Suit?

By Dr. Mercola Changing an industry is a long game; while changes can seem to occur overnight, it’s always...

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Grocery Stores Forced to Carry CAFO Eggs

By Dr. Mercola In the U.S., 94 percent of eggs produced come from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs),...

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Weekly Health Quiz: Mitochondria, EMFs and Saunas

1 Which of the following has been identified as the greatest predictor of heart disease? High cholesterol High...

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Quercetin — A Far Better Flu Remedy Than Tamiflu

By Dr. Mercola Your immune system is your first-line defense against all types of infections, be they bacterial...

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Is It Beneficial to Eat Soil?

By Dr. Mercola The rates of infectious diseases that are unresponsive to the antibiotics used to treat them...

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Chew on Cardamom

By Dr. Mercola Cardamom is a spice that, if not relatively unknown in the U.S., could be termed as one...

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What You Really Need to Know About Your Mitochondria

By Dr. Mercola When it comes to health and disease prevention, your mitochondrial health and function simply...

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How to Cook Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are probably one of the top vegetables that often get a bad rep, and are often disliked by many...

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