Health Information



Poison Centers Received One Call Every 44 Minutes for This

Posted by on Feb 7, 2024 in Dr. Mercola | Comments Off on Poison Centers Received One Call Every 44 Minutes for This

There are 55 poison control centers located across the U.S.1 Each day trained experts are connected to the public and professionals who are seeking help or treatment advice. The poison control centers collect this data in real-time, which was the basis of a study from the Abigail Wexner Research Institute in which they analyzed the number, severity and rate of exposure to children, teens and adults to liquid laundry detergent packets.2 Since 1946,3 Tide laundry detergent, manufactured by Procter & Gamble (P&G), has been a part of...

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The Case Against Yoga Pants and Other Technical Athletic Wear

Posted by on Feb 7, 2024 in Dr. Mercola | Comments Off on The Case Against Yoga Pants and Other Technical Athletic Wear

Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published March 29, 2017. Water pollution has many sources. Agriculture is a significant one, but clothing is another that has not received as much attention. Nonorganic cotton contributes to environmental problems due to the fact that most of it is genetically engineered (GE) and sprayed with copious amounts of Roundup, the active ingredient in which is glyphosate, a likely human carcinogen. In fact, nonorganic cotton is one of the most chemical-dependent crops out there....

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Is Zinc Deficiency Behind the Dramatic Spike in Yeast Infections?

Posted by on Feb 7, 2024 in Dr. Mercola | Comments Off on Is Zinc Deficiency Behind the Dramatic Spike in Yeast Infections?

Three out of four women will have a vaginal yeast infection in their lifetime and an estimated 140 million women worldwide suffer recurrent infections.1 Recurrent infections can have a significantly detrimental impact on quality of life, and because resistance against existing treatments is on the rise, women are in dire need of viable treatment alternatives. Most vaginal yeast infections are caused by a yeast called Candida albicans, the same fungus that is also responsible for yeast infections — also known as thrush — in the mouth, throat...

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You’ve Been Genetically Hijacked to Produce Pfizer’s Pfrankenstein Proteins

Posted by on Feb 6, 2024 in Dr. Mercola | Comments Off on You’ve Been Genetically Hijacked to Produce Pfizer’s Pfrankenstein Proteins

The toxic spike protein produced in your body if you receive a COVID-19 shot is not the only health concern to be aware of. Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 shots also instruct cells to produce additional “off-target” proteins that could pose significant health risks. The finding was revealed by a team of U.K. researchers1 who found a “glitch” occurred due to the way the COVID-19 shots were genetically modified. As a result, unwanted proteins are produced, with unknown effects — a phenomenon that should have been detected long before the experimental...

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Can This Molecule Boost Fertility and Longevity in Aging Humans?

Posted by on Feb 6, 2024 in Dr. Mercola | Comments Off on Can This Molecule Boost Fertility and Longevity in Aging Humans?

Fertility declines in women as they age, in part due to decreases in the quality of developing eggs, or oocytes. Little is known, however, about how this process occurs — and whether it could be prevented or slowed. A study on mice suggests it’s possible to improve oocyte quality with spermidine supplementation.1 It found that spermidine, an antiaging molecule, has the potential to reverse declining fertility in older mice, with potential ramifications for humans as well.2 Spermidine, a polyamine compound originally isolated from semen,...

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5 Ways Grains Can Destroy Your Skin

Posted by on Feb 6, 2024 in Dr. Mercola | Comments Off on 5 Ways Grains Can Destroy Your Skin

Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published May 17, 2017. You may prudently care for your skin each day, cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing and hydrating. But, did you know that the sandwich you had at lunch may be doing more damage to your skin than skipping one of your nightly rituals? Your skin is the largest organ in your body, responsible for temperature control, protection and excreting toxins to name just a few. Far from being an inactive covering for your internal organs, your skin is an intricate...

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Do Heart Attack Symptoms Vary Between Men and Women?

Posted by on Feb 5, 2024 in Dr. Becker | Comments Off on Do Heart Attack Symptoms Vary Between Men and Women?

Cardiovascular diseases are the No. 1 cause of death globally, with 17.9 million lives lost each year as a result. Among them, 4 out of 5 are due to heart attacks and strokes.1 Knowing the symptoms of a heart attack is important so you can get emergency medical care without delay, but signs may vary significantly between men and women. Females are more likely to have atypical heart attack symptoms, like fatigue and nausea, while men tend to experience more classic signs, including chest pain. This may be why, even though the incidence of...

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Liposomal Carnosine Is Essential for Detoxing Linoleic Acid

Posted by on Feb 5, 2024 in Dr. Becker | Comments Off on Liposomal Carnosine Is Essential for Detoxing Linoleic Acid

Carnosine is a dipeptide found in meat. It’s not found in any plant foods. Dipeptide means it’s made up of two amino acids, in this case beta-alanine and histidine. The highest concentrations of carnosine are found in your muscles, brain, central nervous system1 and gastrointestinal tract,2 which gives you an indication of its potential importance. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the top 10 most common nutrient deficiencies, especially among vegans. If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, you will have lower levels of carnosine in your...

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Holistic Pediatrician on How to Safeguard Your Kids’ Health and Future

Posted by on Feb 4, 2024 in Dr. Mercola | Comments Off on Holistic Pediatrician on How to Safeguard Your Kids’ Health and Future

In this interview, Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Palevsky, a practicing pediatrician, discusses the impact that mainstream propaganda narratives have on our children, and why it’s so important to get your children out of the public education system. He also reviews some of the foundational strategies for staying healthy, and how to treat those dreaded childhood fevers. Palevsky has been one of the medical experts speaking out against the COVID shots, but he was a pro-choice, vaccine safety advocate long before COVID. Clearly, the COVID jab is the most...

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Mike Adams Interviews Dr. Mercola About Chase Debanking

Posted by on Feb 4, 2024 in Dr. Mercola | Comments Off on Mike Adams Interviews Dr. Mercola About Chase Debanking

August 18, 2023, I joined Mike Adams, aka, “The Health Ranger,” on his free-speech platform, Brighteon, to discuss our debanking by JP Morgan Chase Bank. As previously reported, in mid-July, I, along with my CEO and CFO — both of whom have been with me for nearly 20 years — received identical letters informing us that Chase Bank was closing our accounts, as well as the accounts of their spouses and children. Irrational Excuses In the original letters, the only reason we were given was that there was “unexpected...

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Traveling Back in Time — Life Lessons From the Amish

Posted by on Feb 3, 2024 in Dr. Mercola | Comments Off on Traveling Back in Time — Life Lessons From the Amish

Technology and other modern-day conveniences have become so engrained in our daily lives that most people would be hard-pressed to live without them. This isn’t the case for the Amish, who are still living life much the way it was 300 years ago. Their way of living, which can prohibit ownership of computers and may rely on electricity only in limited cases for business, may seem filled with unnecessary hardship. But there are significant benefits of living in concert with your community — off the grid without being dependent on anyone or any...

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Unraveling the Mysteries of mRNA Vaccine Shedding

Posted by on Feb 3, 2024 in Dr. Mercola | Comments Off on Unraveling the Mysteries of mRNA Vaccine Shedding

After the COVID vaccines came out, we began to encounter more and more patients who had a compelling case history that suggested that were being repeatedly injured from being around recently vaccinated individuals. For example, near the start of the vaccine rollout, a compelling (but hard to believe) story circulated online and as the year went by, we saw more and more patients who provided similar accounts to the one within this video: Video Link This perplexed us as in theory, the mRNA vaccines (as they are not alive and hence do not...

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Prominent Physician Advises Against Flu Shots

Posted by on Feb 1, 2024 in Dr. Mercola | Comments Off on Prominent Physician Advises Against Flu Shots

Dr. Donald Miller, a cardiac surgeon and Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington, recommends avoiding the flu shot and taking vitamin D instead. According to Dr. Miller, “Seventy percent of doctors do not get a flu shot.” Health officials say that every winter 36,000 people will die from it. But the National Vital Statistics Reports compiled by the CDC show that only 1,138 deaths a year occur due to influenza alone — more than 34,000 of the “36,000? flu deaths are actually pneumonic and cardiovascular deaths. There is also...

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The Dirt on Antibacterial Soap and Hand Sanitizers

Posted by on Jan 31, 2024 in Dr. Mercola | Comments Off on The Dirt on Antibacterial Soap and Hand Sanitizers

Washing your hands is at the top of the list when it comes to effective prevention of contagious illnesses and infections, but many still make the mistake of assuming you have to use antibacterial soap to get the job done right. The same goes for other household cleaning. Routinely disinfecting your body and surroundings may actually cause more harm than good in the long run. Not only do they promote the development of drug-resistant bacteria, antibacterial compounds such as triclosan and quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs or...

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Yes, You Can Die From a ‘Broken Heart,’ and Optimism Makes You Live Longer

Posted by on Jan 31, 2024 in Dr. Mercola | Comments Off on Yes, You Can Die From a ‘Broken Heart,’ and Optimism Makes You Live Longer

Editor’s Note: This article is a reprint. It was originally published January 12, 2017. December 27, 2016, actress Carrie Fisher, aged 60, died from a heart attack. The very next day, her mother, actress Debbie Reynolds died from a stroke. In the wake of the loss of these two popular Hollywood icons, many have asked whether you can actually die from a broken heart.1,2,3 The short answer to that question is yes. Broken heart syndrome (formally known as stress cardiomyopathy or takotsubo cardiomyopathy) is a real medical condition,...

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