Health Pack Deals

Can Okra Help Control Your Hunger and Diabetes?

By Dr. Mercola What vegetable looks like a cross between a jalapeno, a mini cucumber and a star fruit, has...

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Introduction to Hiatal Hernia: A Potentially Dangerous Digestive Condition

A hernia is a condition where an organ pushes through an opening that a certain muscle holds in place. There are...

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How to End the Autism Epidemic

By Dr. Mercola In this interview, J.B. Handley, founder of Generation Rescue, discusses autism and what he...

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Dark Choco-Dipped Cherry Bites Recipe

Recipe by Pete Evans Many people just can’t end a meal without dessert. After all, a satisfying dessert refreshes...

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Generation Zapped

By Dr. Mercola Mankind evolved on a planet where background microwave radiation was infinitesimal. Today, most...

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Gut Bacteria Enzyme Can Change Blood Type A Into Much-Needed Type O

By Dr. Mercola While all human blood is red when exposed to air, not all human blood is identical in nature....

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Find Out How Fennel Tea May Work Wonders for You

Fennel, a unique herb with a crunchy, pale-green root and feathery carrot top-like fronds, is believed to have...

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How to Grow Cumin

By Dr. Mercola Cumin is the second most popular spice in the world, second only to black pepper. A member of the...

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How to Grow Kohlrabi

By Dr. Mercola Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea) looks like a pale green or purple turnip with multiple stalks of...

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Spearmint Oil: The Gentler Mint Oil

Peppermint oil is sometimes too strong for some people. It may induce allergic reactions and other side effects...

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Placebos Can Work Even When You Know You’re Taking a Dummy Pill

By Dr. Mercola By definition, a placebo is an inert substance that has no effect on your body. In medical...

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Are Happy People Healthier?

By Dr. Mercola Being happy feels great, both mentally and physically, and it’s often said that happy people are...

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