Health Pack Deals

‘Down to Earth’ — The earthing movie

Grounding, also called earthing, is a scientifically-supported health practice that has been largely ignored by...

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The truth about sugar addiction

Sugar is one of the most harmful and addictive substances that you can consume, as it’s associated with...

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How to remove warts with duct tape

Warts are benign skin growths that occur when a virus infects the top layer of skin. Viruses triggering wart...

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Growing cucumbers in your garden or container

Table of Contents Cucumber varieties Planting and growing cucumbers Pest control and pollination Harvesting and...

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Regenerative gardening and living, an online program

Table of Contents ‘Kiss the Ground’ — An online education platform Learn, grow and support...

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Ashwagandha may reduce anxiety and stress

Known as a multipurpose herb and “rejuvenator” used in ancient Ayurvedic1 and Chinese medicine for...

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Stress-busting fatty acids discovered in Mycobacterium vaccae

Humans’ modern-day obsession with keeping their homes and bodies regularly disinfected and as close to...

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Hydrangeas — What makes these colorful flowers so popular?

Table of Contents Different hydrangea varieties you should be aware of Health benefits of hydrangeas What can...

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Glyphosate use rises and you need to be careful how you test for it

According to polls, the No. 1 reason people choose organic food is to avoid pesticide exposure.1 Not only do...

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Ultraprocessed foods increase risk of death by 62%

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases defines overweight and obese as a person...

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How to reduce indoor air pollution

Indoor air quality refers to the quality of air within the buildings and structures where you live. Understanding...

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Makers of Roundup paid ACSH front group to hide evidence

Monsanto’s new owner, Bayer, has been slammed with judgments in the first three Roundup lawsuits to go to...

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