Why Opting for Organic Cotton Matters

By Dr. Mercola Cotton clothing has a longstanding history of being all-natural and wholesome. Unfortunately,...

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Is Horseradish Nature’s Best Antibiotic?

By Dr. Mercola A wonderfully zesty condiment to add to prime rib or other cuts of grass fed beef, horseradish has...

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Surprising Discovery Reveals How Broccoli Fights Cancer

By Dr. Mercola Broccoli — and to an even greater degree broccoli sprouts — has gained a reputation as a potent...

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Cumin Versus Black Cumin — What’s the Difference?

By Dr. Mercola Especially in the culinary world, things can go by names that don’t necessarily describe...

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Licorice Root Sausages With Fried Eggs and Greens Recipe

Recipe by Pete Evans Sausages are a popular food all over the world, and they come in different flavors and...

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Bulletproof Plan to Activate Untapped Brain Energy to Work Smarter and Think Faster

By Dr. Mercola Can you biohack your brain to get sharper, smarter and work faster? According to Dave Asprey, a...

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