Washing Machines Spreading Deadly Superbugs

An early version of the washing machine was introduced in the 1850s and has since evolved from manual labor gear...

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Children Taken From Parents Who Refuse Vitamin K Shot

Since 1961, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has recommended that all newborns receive a vitamin K1...

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Would You Trade the World’s Most Nutritious Food for Gold?

During a six-week period every summer, fishermen head out to Bristol Bay, Alaska, to catch their share of wild...

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GMO Avocados in Development

Avocados not only are one of the world’s healthiest fruits, they’re also among the most economically important,...

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Weekly Health Quiz: Dementia and Cholesterol

1 Recent research suggests many nutrient deficiencies around the world could be effectively addressed and...

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Astragalus Protects Your Mitochondria

Mitochondria are the power generators of your cells. These small structures, located within each cell, transfer...

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Health Benefits of MSM — A Powerful Sulfur Donor

Sulfur is a somewhat “forgotten” nutrient you don’t hear mentioned very often, but it’s...

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Vitamin A Can Save Your Skin

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer found in the U.S., and the most common of those are basal and...

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Cancer and the New Biology of Water

Dr. Thomas Cowan is a practicing physician, founding board member and vice president of the Weston A. Price...

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Delicious Slow Cooker Recipes That Are Worth the Wait

By Dr. Mercola Many people, especially those who follow busy schedules, prefer preparing and eating their meals...

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Can Wasabi Break Your Heart?

Wasabi, the popular Japanese condiment served alongside sushi, has an intense, spicy heat that can easily make...

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Heart of the Matter Documentary

Contrary to the saturated fat/cholesterol theory, the most significant risk factors for cardiovascular disease...

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How Gait Analysis Can Be Used to Diagnose Dementia Type

Like autism among children, Alzheimer’s among seniors has reached epidemic proportions, currently affecting an...

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Do Plant-Based Meals Risk Brain and Nutrient Deficiencies?

Many health organizations recommend plant-based diets as good for people and the planet, and it’s true that most...

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Air Pollution Now Strongly Linked to Mental Illness

Worldwide, 93% of children live in areas with air pollution at levels above World Health Organization (WHO)...

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Major Junk Food Company Collapses

Since 2012, the millions who want transparency in their food products have been fighting the Grocery...

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Water Poisoning Alerts Hidden From Public

Each year, red flags over toxic drinking water are raised across the U.S., with reasons varying from location to...

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JUUL E-Cigs Going Up in Smoke

Just over five years ago I began warning of the dangerous effects of vaping on human health. In response to the...

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