Judge cuts award to Roundup victim

Bayer is facing roughly 13,400 pending lawsuits from plaintiffs alleging that Roundup herbicide caused their...

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Case study reveals how cognitive decline can be reversed

Alzheimer’s disease, which is the most common form of dementia, eventually leads to the inability to carry out...

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An introduction to hepatitis C

Discovered in 1989,1 hepatitis C is a dangerous liver infection caused by the hepatitis C virus, which can spread...

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Chlorella: What are its benefits and uses?

Table of Contents What is chlorella supplement? Health benefits of chlorella What else is chlorella used for?...

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How to clean your ears without a cotton swab

Cerumen, also known as earwax, is necessary for the health of your ear. In fact, it’s not really wax at...

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Research highlights importance of good sleep for prevention of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease, a severe and lethal form of dementia, affects over 5 million Americans per year,1...

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Sesame seeds: An ancient food with therapeutic uses

Table of Contents What are sesame seeds? Sesame seeds may have health benefits The various culinary uses of...

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Sepsis is a top cause of death in hospitals

Sepsis is a medical emergency that may become fatal or leave an individual with a significant disability. Data...

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Drain tiling, the hidden accelerator of water pollution

I’ve written many articles discussing how industrial agriculture is a primary source of water pollution and toxic...

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What is vaccine shedding?

When you’re infected with a virus that causes an illness, that virus is shed in your saliva and other...

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Vitamin D is essential for your heart

Vitamin D plays a significant role in several health conditions. It might be one of the simplest solutions to a...

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Benefits of Moringa compared to broccoli

Science has proven food can be potent medicine. Broccoli, for example, has a solid scientific foundation showing...

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Why most health commissioners end up in bed with Big Pharma

Treatments for medical problems have been used since the beginning of human civilization.1 While many illnesses...

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Children used as poison detection devices

Children experience greater exposure to chemicals pound-for-pound than adults and have an immature and porous...

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Nutty Almond Butter Bread Recipe

Recipe from Naturally Savvy Apart from being a popular flavor and ingredient in food all over the world, almonds...

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The metabolic approach to cancer treatment

Cancer kills an estimated 1,600 Americans each day. In China, 8,100 people a day succumb to the disease. It’s so...

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